Promotions Points

Promotions modules - degraded


Dear customers, we kindly inform you that all issues reated to promotions have been already resolved. All difficulties with activation and distribution of promotions are online now and working properly.
Moreover, we have been implemented some changes in communication between promotion’s service and base what should eliminate that kind of issue in the future.

Once again, we are sorry for all inconviences,

Rozpoznany problem

Dear customers, we are still working on the solution.
We are really sorry for all inconviences,

ETA: unknown

Rozpoznany problem

We found a reason ralated to issue with promotion’s modules. We are currently working on that.

ETA: unknown
Next status in around 1h


Dear customers, we have recorded some issues with promotion’s modules. It means that you can notice some difficulties with activation and distribution of promotions.
We’re investigating this issue currently.

ETA: unknown
Next status: around 30 minutes

We are sorry for inconviences.