Issue with platform performance


All issues have been resolved.

Thank you for understanding.

Problem identifiziert

All critical issues related to Dynamic content and platform have been resolved.
We are still investigating issues with AI:Search module.
Thank you for understanding.


Dear users, we are investigating an issue related to showing user activity from the “Profiles” tab, some of you may not be able to see event history.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


We are working to restore the ability to log in to the portal and to fix the functioning of the Dynamic Content module.

We will provide further information within 30 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience.


We are investigating problems related to the inability to log into the platform and the functioning of the DC module. For some of the sites, the Dynamic Content may not be rendered.

We will provide more information in 20 minutes. Apologize for any inconvenience.

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