Issues with various components of the platform (Azure)


Dear Users,

please be informed that the issue has been resolved by Azure, therefore all of our affected modules are operating normally again.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding.

Mis à jour

Dear Users,

please be informed that the issue has been resolved by Azure, therefore all of our affected modules are operating normally again.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding.

Mis à jour

Dear Customers,

we have received an information that says that the problem has been indentified by Azure. The full recovery is estaminated on around 08:00 UTC. We will provide you with further details.

Thank you for understanding.

En voie de résolution

Dear Customers,

you may check the status page of Azure right here to be provided with current information about this malfunction: https://azure.status.microsoft/en-us/status.

Thank you for understanding.

En voie de résolution

Dear Customers,

we are investigating an issue with outages that are impacting on various modules of the platform due to Azure failure. We will provide more details within the next hour.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.